Factors involved in population dynamics and delineation of North American mergansers

Project Number: 43
Year Funded: 2006
Lead Institution(s): USGS Alaska Science Center
Project Lead: John Pearce
Collaborator(s): Paul Flint (USGS), Sandra Talbot (USGS), Dirk Derksen (USGS), John Morton (USFWS)
Location: North America
Focal Species: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser), Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)
Project Description: A three-year project (2004 – 2006) examining general ecology and population genetics of hooded, common, and red-breasted mergansers across North America.
Project Reports: https://seaduckjv.org/pdf/studies/pr43.pdf
Factors involved in population dynamics and delineation of North American mergansers