Sea Duck Key Habitat Sites Atlas
This Atlas describes 85 important sites for sea ducks in North America, highlighting habitats that are most critical to sea ducks during at least one season.
It is intended to heighten awareness of valuable sea duck habitats, aid in prioritizing habitat conservation and protection efforts, and help in evaluating environmental assessments.
Key habitat site narratives in the Atlas include site descriptions, a summary of sea duck abundance and temporal importance of the site to sea ducks, and sensitivities or potential conflicts that may impact sea ducks or their habitats.
Explore the world of sea ducks in our new interactive Storymap! The story highlights SDJV partner research projects, the wide diversity of sea duck species, habitat needs, and more.
Downloadable Files
Entire Atlas: low resolution .pdf [10 MB] high resolution .pdf [56 MB]
Narratives for Individual Key Sites or Regions
Shapefiles for Key Habitat Sites Map Layer
View the Key Sites on ArcGIS Online’s Map Viewer or explore the Atlas below.

Contact Kate Martin, US SDJV Coordinator, with data requests or questions.