What are the ducks telling us? Documenting K’ahsho Got’ine knowledge about scoters

Project Number: 175
Year Funded: 2024
Lead Institution(s): Environment Canada
Project Lead: Kirsty Gurney
Collaborator(s): Daniel Jackson (Fort Good Hope Renewable Resources Council), Frank T'Seleie (Tuyeta Management Board), Joseph Tobac (Tuyeta Management Board), Daniel Masuzumi Sr. (K'ahsho Got'ine Foundation), Eric Reed (CWS)
Location: Northwest Territories, Canada
Focal Species: Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), White-winged Scoter (Melanitta delgandi)
Project Description:
Project Reports: 
What are the ducks telling us? Documenting K'ahsho Got'ine knowledge about scoters