Lead Institution(s): Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Joe Evenson and Megan Ross
Collaborator(s): Kyle Spragens (Washington DFW), Sean Boyd (ECCC)
Focal Species: Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), White-winged Scoter (Melanitta delgandi)
Project Description: In order to influence and guide sea duck conservation planning and actions on landscape-level transboundary issues such as aquaculture, conflicting species management (e.g. salmonid habitat and food web enhancements, Pacific Herring management and status), environmental assessments (e.g. oil/gas/other shipping, coastal and port development) and to assess effects and response to oil spills, there is an increasing need to produce coherent and relevant species data. Recent advancements in implantable GPS-quality devices offer the ability to refine and target our knowledge towards identifying critical habitat features and time periods for Surf Scoters in the Salish Sea.