Assessing Hunting Pressure on Common Eiders in Chukotka, Russia

Project Number: 164
Year Funded: 2021
Lead Institution(s): Wildlife Conservation Society
Project Lead: Martin Robards
Collaborator(s): Liliana Naves (Alaska DFG), Konstantin Klokov (St. Petersburg State U), Eugenia Bragina (WCS)
Location: Russia
Focal Species: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: Harvest rates of waterfowl in Chukotka, Alaska, and Arctic Canada are poorly understood, as is the case for much of the Arctic. Consequently, modeling and management of the Pacific Common Eider population is constrained by lack of information about mortality rates. This project will develop a methodology and implementation plan for estimating harvest of Pacific Common Eiders in eastern Russia. A survey tool will be developed with established experts in Alaska and Canada and implemented by Russian partner Birds Russia. The product will be a statistically defensible estimate of the magnitude of common eider hunting in Chukotka, distribution of that pressure, and observations of change over time.
Project Reports: 

Interim Report FY22
Interim Report FY23

Related Documents:

Syroechkovski, E. and K. Klokov. 2009. Development of waterfowl subsistence harvest survey methodology in north-eastern Russia and evaluation of waterfowl harvest, with special reference to eiders. Unpublished Report. Goose, Swan and Duck Study Group of Northern Eurasia. 106pp.

Assessing Hunting Pressure on Common Eiders in Chukotka, Russia