Characterization of annual migration and habitat use of Black Scoters staging on the Alaska Peninsula

Project Number: 33
Year Funded: 2003
Lead Institution(s): USGS Alaska Science Center
Project Lead: Jason Schamber
Collaborator(s): Paul Flint (USGS ASC), Fred Broerman (USFWS), Tim Bowman (USFWS)
Location: Alaska
Focal Species: Black Scoter (Melanitta americana)
Project Description: The primary objectives outlined for this study include using satellite telemetry to: 1) identify breeding, molting and wintering habitats and associations in Alaska; 2) assess timing of movements in relation to population surveys and subsistence harvest; and 3) assess the impact of surgical procedures and surgically implanted transmitters on survival of spring staging and migrating Black Scoters.
Project Reports: 

SDJV33 Interim Report FY03

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Characterization of annual migration and habitat use of Black Scoters staging on the Alaska Peninsula