Characterization of Beaufort Sea Flyway: Long-tailed Ducks and Common Eider

Project Number: 23
Year Funded: 2003
Lead Institution(s): USGS Alaska Science Center
Project Lead: Margaret R. Petersen
Collaborator(s): USGS, BPAK
Location: Alaska
Focal Species: Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis), Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: Long-term declines of common eiders and long-tailed ducks have been reported in Alaska, including populations on the North Slope. How the birds in these declining populations use the western Beaufort Sea is unclear, and this information is needed to model the potential effects of off-shore oil and gas development on these two species. The primary objective of this study is to locate and describe migration corridors, staging habitats, and habitats used by common eiders that nest on barrier islands and long-tailed ducks that molt in coastal lagoons when migrating in fall and spring through the western Beaufort Sea. A secondary objective is to identify and describe areas used by common eiders throughout the year and identify breeding and wintering areas of long-tailed ducks. These data will provide information key to effectively managing these populations of sea ducks.
Project Reports: 

SDJV23 Interim Report FY02
SDJV23 Interim Report FY03
SDJV23 Interim Report FY04
SDJV23 Final Report FY05

Related Publications

Petersen, M. R., D. C. Douglas, H. M. Wilson, and S. E. McCloskey. 2012. Effects of sea ice on winter site fidelity of Pacific Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima v-nigrum). The Auk 129:399–408.

Petersen, M. R. 2009. Multiple Spring Migration Strategies in a Population of Pacific Common Eiders. The Condor 111:59–70.

Petersen, M.R., Flint, P.L., Grand, J.B., Mulcahy, D.M., Douglas, D.C., 2022, Tracking data for Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis) (ver 1.1, July 2022): U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Petersen, M.R., Flint, P.L., Mulcahy, D.M., Douglas, D.C., 2021, Tracking data for Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) (ver 1.0, September 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Characterization of Beaufort Sea Flyway: Long-tailed Ducks and Common Eider