Coastal molting locations of scoters and eiders in eastern North America

Project Number: 12
Year Funded: 2006
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Jean-Pierre Savard
Location: Quebec
Focal Species: Black Scoter (Melanitta americana), Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), White-winged Scoter (Melanitta delgandi)
Project Description: Some of the most effective conservation actions are pro-active ones as they usually avoid conflicts. The location of important coastal areas for molting sea ducks will enable wildlife managers to adopt pro-active protective measures before any conflict arises. Potential threats include aquaculture, gill net fisheries, recreational boating, shipping lanes, shellfish harvesting. The species, sex and age composition of molting flocks has been poorly documented to date as has the molting chronology of birds themselves.
Project Reports: