Comparative demography of three cavity nesting sea ducks: Bufflehead and Common and Barrow’s goldeneye

Project Number: 106
Year Funded: 2007
Lead Institution(s): Alaska Science Center
Project Lead: John Pearce
Collaborator(s): Sandra Talbot (ASC), John Eagie (ASC), Jean-Pierre Savard (ASC), Michel Robert (ASC), Gilles Gauthier (ASC)
Location: Virginia
Focal Species: Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), Barrow’s Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica), Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
Project Description: The project received a one-year funding allocation from SDJV to initiate a multi-data set examination of dispersal tendencies of Bufflehead and the two goldeneye species using genetic and mark-recapture data across North America.
Project Reports: 

SDJV106 Final Report

Related Publications:

Pearce, J.M., J.M. Eadie, J-P. L. Savard, T. K. Christensen, J. Berdeen, E.J. Taylor, S. Boyd, Á. Einarsson, S.L. Talbot.  2014.  Comparative population structure of cavity-nesting sea ducks. The Auk 131: 195–207.

Comparative demography of three cavity nesting sea ducks: Bufflehead and Common and Barrow’s goldeneye