Delineating Breeding Populations and Tracking Night-time Movements of Long-tailed Ducks Wintering in Nantucket Sound

Project Number: 102
Year Funded: 2010
Lead Institution(s): Massachusetts Audubon
Project Lead: Taber Allison
Collaborator(s): Matthew Perry (USGS), Glenn Olson (USGS), Michael Sorenson (Boston University)
Location: Massachusetts
Focal Species: Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)
Project Description: We studied diurnal movements of Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) (LTDU) in Nantucket Sound (the Sound). The study has tracked instrumented LTDU via Satellite in and around the Sound and track the instrumented ducks to Arctic and sub-Arctic breeding grounds to obtain evidence regarding the relationship of wintering ducks to a recently approved offshore wind energy project and to delineate populations of this important species.

This report describes the results of the three-year study intended to improve understanding of the ecological impact of potential changes in the habitat quality of the Sound including the construction and operation of the wind energy project on Horseshoe Shoal of the Sound.
Project Reports:
Delineating Breeding Populations and Tracking Night-time Movements of Long-tailed Ducks Wintering in Nantucket Sound