Evaluation of selenium exposure in common eiders (Somateria mollissima): effects on organ systems and physiologic changes

Project Number: 27
Year Funded: 2004
Lead Institution(s): US Geological Survey
Project Lead: J. Christian Franson
Collaborator(s): David Hoffman (USGS), Matthew Perry (USGS), Alaska SeaLife Center, USFWS, USGS, MDIFW
Location: Wisconsin
Focal Species: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: Understanding population structure, i.e., identifying population segments that are demographically distinct, is critical for addressing declines in scoter populations. Without documenting the geographic scale at which dynamics of population segments are independent, surveys cannot be interpreted at the scale of distinct subpopulations, which results in poor resolution for discerning causes of overall declines. Similarly, the inference from local research projects (e.g., documenting survival, production, contaminants, etc.) is unknown without some indication of the population segment to which the results apply. Thus, identification of “management units” is a logical, important first step for effective conservation efforts for scoters.
Project Reports: https://seaduckjv.org/pdf/studies/pr26.pdf