Genetic characterization of Barrow’s goldeneyes in western North America

Project Number: 142
Year Funded: 2014
Lead Institution(s): US Geological Survey
Project Lead: Sarah Sonsthagen
Collaborator(s): Sean Boyd (ECCC), Dan Esler (USGS)
Location: Pacific Flyway
Focal Species: Barrow’s Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
Project Description: Our ability to manage North American sea ducks is largely dependent on appropriate delineation of demographically or spatially independent sub-units. Population delineation is a necessary precursor for interpreting other management-relevant information, including monitoring, population dynamics, disease, and harvest. Available satellite telemetry data show that Barrow’s Goldeneyes wintering in south-central Alaska, southeast Alaska, and southern British Columbia occupy discrete areas throughout the annual cycle suggesting existence of population structuring at these scales. Genetic signatures, in contrast, reflect both contemporary and historical dispersal patterns, which will provide insight on the levels of natal dispersal (i.e. gene flow) and connectivity among breeding areas. Therefore, it is valuable to employ a multi-technique approach to population delineation studies to generate a more comprehensive view of movement and dispersal of individuals; satellite telemetry data reveal current patterns of breeding and non-breeding site fidelity, whereas genetic markers reveal past and current patterns of natal and breeding dispersal. The objective of the proposed research is to complement current satellite telemetry data with molecular data to increase our understanding of dispersal and movement patterns of Barrow’s Goldeneyes that will aid in the delineation of populations.
Project Reports: 

Interim Report FY15
Interim Report FY16

Brown, J.I., P. Lavretsky, R.E. Wilson, C.L. Haughey, W.S. Boyd, D. Esler, S.L. Talbot, and S.A. Sonsthagen.  2020. High site fidelity does not equate to population genetic structure for common goldeneye and Barrow’s goldeneye in North America. Journal of Avian Biology e02600.

Genetic characterization of Barrow’s goldeneyes in western North America