Integrating Fixed-Wing and Helicopter Survey Platforms to Improve Detection and Species Identification of North American Breeding Scoters Detection and Species Identification of North American Breeding Scoters

Project Number: 154
Year Funded: 2017
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Eric Reed
Collaborator(s): Scott Gilliland (CWS), Christine Lepage (CWS), Christian Roy (CWS), Cindy Wood (CWS), Mark Koneff (USFWS), Walt Rhodes (USFWS), Emily Silverman (USFWS)
Location: Canada
Focal Species: Black Scoter (Melanitta americana), Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), White-winged Scoter (Melanitta delgandi)
Project Description: Populations of North American breeding scoters appear to be declining although a large degree of uncertainty remains around estimates of population size and overall trends. We conducted experimental fixed wing and helicopter integrated breeding surveys over portions of the core breeding range, in Québec-Labrador, northern Manitoba, and the Barrenlands of the Northwest Territories of all three North American scoter species. The overarching objective of the project is to produce recommendations for the development of breeding surveys for scoters and other Boreal/Arctic waterfowl.
Project Reports: 

Interim Report FY18
Interim Report FY19
Interim Report FY20
Interim Report FY21
Interim Report FY22

Bianchini, K. S.G. Gilliland, A.M. Berlin, T.D. Bowman, W.S. Boyd, S.E.W. De La Cruz, D. Esler, J.R. Evenson, P.L. Flint, C. Lepage, S.R. McWilliams, D.E. Meattey, J.E. Osenkowski, M.C. Perry, J-F. Poulin, E.T. Reed, C. Roy, J-P. L. Savard, L. Savoy, J.L. Schamber, C.S. Spiegel, J. Takekawa, D.H. Ward, and M.L. Mallory.  2023. Evaluation of breeding distribution and chronology of North American scoters. Wildlife Biology e01099.

Integrating Fixed-Wing and Helicopter Survey Platforms to Improve Detection and Species Identification of North American Breeding Scoters Detection and Species Identification of North American Breeding Scoters