Local survival and patterns of philopatry for Harlequin Ducks wintering in outer Jericho Bay, Maine.

Project Number: 5
Year Funded: 2003
Lead Institution(s): Coastal Maine Biological Research Station
Project Lead: Glen Mittelhauser
Collaborator(s): CWSS, MDIFW, ANP
Location: Maine
Focal Species: Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
Project Description: The small population size and limited distribution of Harlequin Ducks in eastern North America has led to concern about the status of this species in the western Atlantic. Given this species longevity and low reproductive output, survival of adults may have a greater influence on population recovery than annual fecundity. We are monitoring patterns in annual survival, philopatry, and local movements for Harlequin Ducks wintering in the vicinity of Isle au Haut, Maine using mark/resight efforts.
Project Reports: https://seaduckjv.org/pdf/studies/pr5.pdf