Migration patterns, habitat use, and harvest characteristics of long-tailed ducks wintering on Lake Michigan

Project Number: 144
Year Funded: 2014
Lead Institution(s): US Geological Survey
Project Lead: Luke Fara
Collaborator(s): Kevin Kenow (USGS)
Location: Great Lakes
Focal Species: Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)
Project Description: This project is expected to address information needs concerning population delineation, migration, and ecology of long-tailed ducks (LTDU) wintering in the Great Lakes. Long-tailed ducks marked on the Atlantic Coast and eastern Great Lakes regions have shown very little use of western Great Lakes, however there is a sizable LTDU population that winters on Lake Michigan. We proposed to capture and radio-mark 20 adult female LTDUs during November 2015 through April 2018, in anticipation of obtaining data from ≥12 adult females for one entire year. Over-water mist netting and night-lighting techniques were employed to obtain the sample of birds for this project.
Project Reports: 

Interim Report FY15
Interim Report FY16
Interim Report FY17
Final Report

Fara, Luke J. 2018. Migration patterns, habitat use, prey items, and hunter harvest of Long-tailed Ducks that overwinter on Lake Michigan.  M.Sc. Thesis Southern Illinois University Carbondale.  Carbondale, Illinois.  110p.

Fara, L.J., S. Ford, B.R. Lubinski, S.C. Houdek, M.W. Eichholz. 2019. Long nights, airplanes, and avian surgery: A tale of working with volunteers to study Long-tailed Ducks wintering on Lake Michigan. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 33: 82-88.

Migration patterns, habitat use, and harvest characteristics of long-tailed ducks wintering on Lake Michigan