Monitoring Atlantic Flyway Black Scoters

Project Number: 55
Year Funded: 2005
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Keith McAloney
Collaborator(s): Jean-Pierre Savard (CWS), Scott Gilliland (CWS), SDJV
Location: New Brunswick, Quebec
Focal Species: Black Scoter (Melanitta americana)
Project Description: Aerial surveys were conducted during spring staging in Baie Chaleur, NB and the north shore of the Saint Lawrence estuary, Quebec as the entire Atlantic Flyway population of Black Scoter (Melanitta nigra) is thought to stop there for 3-5 weeks during spring migration. As the total breeding range for this species is undefined but known to be widespread in remote northern areas and since winter range extends from Nova Scotia to Georgia, the spring staging grounds may be the best opportunity to survey for population size and trends.
Project Reports:
Monitoring Atlantic Flyway Black Scoters