Monitoring sea duck numbers and distribution in relation to existing and proposed aquaculture sites in Atlantic Canada and reducing interactions between the Aquaculture Industry and sea ducks

Project Number: 54
Year Funded: 2004
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Keith McAloney
Collaborator(s): Fisheries and Oceans CA, Nova Scotia Wildlife Division
Location: Atlantic Canada
Focal Species: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: Aquaculture in the marine environment is a rapidly expanding industry in Canada’s four Atlantic Provinces. Aquaculture has the potential to impact habitat use by sea ducks during migration and wintering either directly through loss of feeding areas to aquaculture sites or indirectly through active scaring to prevent sea duck depredation on crop or through disturbance by increased boat activity to service aquaculture sites. Through fixed wing aerial surveys this project acquires data on sea duck numbers and distribution in coastal areas where aquaculture exists or is proposed for future development.
Project Reports: