Movements of Common eiders breeding along the north shore of the gulf of St. Lawrence: Relationships between breeding, molting and wintering sites

Project Number: 91
Year Funded: 2007
Lead Institution(s): Environment Canada
Project Lead: Jean-Pierre Savard
Collaborator(s): Jean-Franscois Giroux (UQuebec)
Location: Quebec
Focal Species: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: While our knowledge of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri) breeding in the St. Lawrence estuary has increased over the last decade, little is known about eiders of the lower north shore (JWGMCE 2004). The population has been increasing in recent years due in part to better protection of breeding colonies from disturbance and poaching (Rail and Chapdelaine 2002). However, it is unknown whether the eiders of the St. Lawrence estuary and gulf interact in their population dynamics and/or overlap in their molting and wintering areas. Knowledge of the relationships between breeding, molting and wintering locations for eiders of the lower north shore will complement efforts toward implementing the Québec management Plan for the Common Eider (JWGMCE 2004). The information will also be crucial in the elaboration of a more comprehensive international management Plan for the subspecies dresseri. One male and nine females were captured with mist nets or with dip nets while on their nest and implanted with satellite transmitters by a team of experienced veterinarians. All birds survived implantation and their movements are being tracked.
Project Reports: