
A Field Trip into the World of Sea Ducks

A Field Trip into the World of Sea Ducks

We’re excited to share a new resource giving a peek into the world of sea ducks! Learn about sea ducks through virtual field trips that showcase key habitat sites for species in North America and Russia. The interactive story also highlights SDJV partner research...

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SDJV Student Fellowship Feature: Reyd Dupuis-Smith, Polycyclic Aromatic Compound (PAC) contamination and health implications in common eider ducks at a diesel spill site and a reference site in Nunatsiavut, Canada

SDJV Student Fellowship Feature: Reyd Dupuis-Smith, Polycyclic Aromatic Compound (PAC) contamination and health implications in common eider ducks at a diesel spill site and a reference site in Nunatsiavut, Canada

Reyd holding a King Eider.  Reyd Dupuis-Smith, a 2022 SDJV Student Fellowship Awardee, has dedicated her studies to understanding how anthropogenic factors and pollution impact birds of all kinds. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Manitoba,...

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2024 Sea Duck Joint Venture Research Projects

2024 Sea Duck Joint Venture Research Projects

Black Scoter at Izembek NWR, Photo: Kristine Sowl, USFWS We’re thrilled to announce our 2024 Research Projects, a group of five research projects submitted as part of our annual RFP. The Sea Duck Joint Venture aims to fund projects that will provide information on sea...

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Sea Duck Joint Venture