Pacific common eider breeding surveys in western Canada

Project Number: 140
Year Funded: 2014
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Eric Reed
Collaborator(s): Cindy Wood (CWS), Myra Robertson (CWS)
Location: Canada
Focal Species: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: The objective of this project is to determine key breeding areas for common eiders in the Queen Maud Gulf region and to develop an operational, long-term monitoring program. Expanding surveys into this area will provide more complete coverage of the breeding range and better estimates of population size and trends to aid wildlife conservation and management decisions for the Pacific Common Eider in Canada. This addresses the SDJV priority to continue to develop survey techniques for effective monitoring of abundance and distribution of sea duck species and support exploratory surveys to fill gaps in our knowledge of sea duck distributions and relative abundance.
Project Reports: 

SDJV140 Final Report
SDJV140 Interim Report FY15
SDJV140 InterimReport FY14

Related Publications:

Raven, G. H., and D. L. Dickson. 2009. Surveys of Pacific Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima vnigra) in the Bathurst Inlet area of Nunavut, 2006-2008. Technical Report Series 503, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

Pacific common eider breeding surveys in western Canada