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Satellite radio tracking of black scoters caught in the Restigouche River, New Brunswick, Canada

Project Number: 17
Year Funded: 2002
Lead Institution(s): USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Project Lead: Matthew Perry
Collaborator(s): USFWS, CWS
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Focal Species: Black Scoter (Melanitta americana)
Project Description: The Restigouche River, New Brunswick, Canada is an important staging area for northern migration of black scoters. The objective of this project was to determine route and destination of black scoters when they leave Restigouche River (or Baie des Chaleurs) in the late April and migrate to breeding areas (and subsequent molting areas) using satellite tracking. Black scoters were instrumented during May, and location data provided new information that will be beneficial towards delineating populations and establishing affinities among staging, breeding, and molting grounds. These data will assist in future population monitoring and management of populations.
Project Reports: