Breeding biology and habitat use of King Eiders on the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska

SDJV Project #25: Breeding biology and habitat use of King Eiders on the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska


Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2009. Strategies for nest-site selection by king eiders. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:932-938.

Bentzen et al. 2009 King Eider strategies nest selection.pdf

Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2007. Factors influencing nesting success of king eiders on northern Alaska’s Coastal Plain. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1781-1789.

Bentzen et al 2007 Factors affecting KIEI nesting ACP_JWildlifeMgt.pdf

Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, T. D. Williams, and A. S. Kitaysky. 2008. Characterizing the nutritional strategy of incubating king eiders Somateria spectabilis in northern Alaska. Journal of Avian Biology 39:683-690.

Bentzen et al 2008 Characterizing nutritional strategy king eiders Alaska_JournalAvianBiology.pdf

Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, L. M. Phillips, and R. S. Suydam. 2010. Incubation behavior of king eiders on the coastal plain of northern Alaska. Polar Biology 33:1075-1082

Bentzen et al_2010_Incubation behavior king eiders northern Alaska_ PolarBiology.pdf

Phillips, L. M. and A. N. Powell. 2006. Evidence for wing molt and breeding site fidelity in king eiders. Waterbirds 29:148-153.

Phillips&Powell 2006 KIEI_site_fidelity_Waterbirds.pdf

Phillips, L. M. and A. N. Powell. 2009. Brood rearing ecology of king eiders on the North Slope of Alaska. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:430-434.

Phillips and Powell 2009 Brood-rearing ecology king eiders Alaska_WilsonJOrnithology.pdf

Bentzen, R. L. and A. N. Powell. 2012. Population dynamics of king eiders breeding in northern Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1011-1020.

Bentzen and Powell 2012 Population dynamics KIEI nesting Alaska_JWildlifeMgt.pdf

Oppel. S., A. N. Powell, and M. G. Butler. 2011. King eider foraging effort during the pre-breeding period in Alaska. Condor 113:52-60.

Oppel et al. 2011 Foraging pre-breeding king eiders Alaska_Condor.pdf

Oppel. S., A. N. Powell, and D. M. O’Brien. 2010. King eiders use an income strategy for egg production: a case study for incorporating individual dietary variation into nutrient allocation research. 2010. Oecologia 164:1-12.

Oppel et al 2010 Nutrients egg production king eiders_Oecologia.pdf

Oppel. S. and A. N. Powell. 2010. Age-specific survival estimates of king eiders derived from satellite telemetry. Condor 112:323-330.

Oppel and Powell 2010 Age specific survival KIEI Alaska_Condor.pdf

Oppel. S. and A. N. Powell. 2009. Does winter region affect spring arrival time and body mass of king eiders in northern Alaska? Polar Biology 32:1203-1209.

Oppel & Powell 2009 Does winter region affect arrival mass king eiders_PolarBiology.pdf

Unpublished Reports

Bentzen, R. L. 2009. Reproductive patterns in King Eiders. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK (PDF)

Bentzen 2009 PhD Thesis King Eiders Alaska.pdf

Oppel, S. 2008. King Eider migration and seasonal interactions at the individual level. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK (PDF)

Oppel 2008 PhD Thesis King Eiders Alaska.pdf

Phillips, L. M. 2005. Migration ecology and distribution of King Eiders. M.Sc. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK (PDF)

Phillips 2005 MS Thesis Migration Ecology King Eiders Alaska.pdf

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