SDJV Project #72: Seasonal Habitat Requirements of Surf and White-winged Scoters in Puget Sound
Anderson, E. M., J. R. Lovvorn, and M. T. Wilson. 2008. Reevaluating marine diets of surf and white-winged scoters: interspecific differences and the importance of soft-bodied prey. Condor 110:285-295.
Anderson et al 2008 Diets of SUSC and WWSC_Condor.pdf
Unpublished Reports
Anderson, Eric. Contrasts in nutrient metabolism and foraging strategies of surf and white-winged scoters in nearshore marine habitats. PhD dissertation. University of Wyoming (PDF)
Anderson 2009 Nutrient metabolism foraging strategies surf white-winged scoters_PhDdissertationUnivWyoming.pdf
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