Surveys of King Eiders, Long-tailed Ducks and Other Migratory Birds in the Central and Western Canadian Arctic

Project Number: 39
Year Funded: 2005
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Lynne Dickson
Collaborator(s): Garnet Raven (CWS), Ray Alisaukas (CWS), Jim Hines (CWS), Tim Moser (USFWS)
Location: British Columbia
Focal Species: Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis), King Eider (Somateria spectabilis)
Project Description: Current North American waterfowl breeding population surveys do not adequately cover breeding grounds for King Eiders and Long-tailed Ducks within Canada. In recognition of this problem, as well as growing evidence that both species were in decline, breeding waterfowl surveys were conducted in a core area for King Eiders from 1992 to 1994 to establish a baseline for comparison in future years. This study replicates those surveys to allow comparisons among years and provide population trends for King Eiders, Long-tailed Ducks, Canada Geese, and other bird species nesting on western Victoria Island. This study will also spatially quantify bird densities, thus providing useful information on important areas and habitats. Changes in spatial distributions over time may also identify key areas of concern.
Project Reports: