Winter habitat use and selection of the Barrow’s goldeneye eastern population along the St. Lawrence River estuary, Quebec, Canada

Project Number: 44
Year Funded: 2006
Lead Institution(s): University of Quebec Rimouski
Project Lead: Magella Guillemette
Collaborator(s): SDJV, CWS, UQAR, FFQ, FQRNT
Location: Quebec
Focal Species: Barrow’s Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
Project Description: The St. Lawrence River Estuary is the major wintering area for the Eastern North American population of Barrow’s Goldeneye, which is legally considered “at risk” by the Canadian and Quebec Governments. Six months a year, this estuary supports over 50% of the population, estimated at no more than 4,500 birds. Still, nothing is known about factors that may control the species distribution (e.g. macro- and microhabitats, food preferences and depletion) along its main wintering area. Winter habitats are likely critical to this small population whose annual recruitment is dependant upon high adult survival.
Our objectives are : 1) to describe macrohabitats used by the population at the scale of the estuary, 2) to describe microhabitats at the scale of the bay or foreshore flat itself, 3) to describe winter diet and trophic level, 4) to quantify time and energy budget in order to understand what may constrain winter survival of the population. Knowledge about the habitat requirements of Barrow's Goldeneyes is quoted as a high priority need in SDJV Strategic Plan 2001 – 2006.
Our objectives are : 1) to describe macrohabitats used by the population at the scale of the estuary, 2) to describe microhabitats at the scale of the bay or foreshore flat itself, 3) to describe winter diet and trophic level, 4) to quantify time and energy budget in order to understand what may constrain winter survival of the population. Knowledge about the habitat requirements of Barrow's Goldeneyes is quoted as a high priority need in SDJV Strategic Plan 2001 – 2006.
Project Reports: