Wintering Common Eider Survey of Eastern North America

Project Number: 84
Year Funded: 2006
Lead Institution(s): Canadian Wildlife Service
Project Lead: Scott Gilliland
Location: Atlantic Flyway
Focal Species: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Project Description: Two sub-species of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri and S. m. borealis) over-winter along the eastern seaboard of North America are among the most heavily hunted sea ducks in North America. Estimates of their population sizes are based on uncoordinated surveys, using different techniques conducted over the last 25 years in different geographical areas. We attempted to implement a coordinated, standardized survey throughout Canada and USA. The survey utilizes comparisons between visual estimates and photographic counts to account for observer error in flock estimation. Samples of eider heads were collected from late hunters to permit to better delineation the winter distribution of the two races. Identification of important wintering areas will also permit the elaboration of a comprehensive management plan for the species in eastern North America. Objectives include: 1) Provide regional and global estimates of the total number and number of adult male common eiders wintering in eastern North America; 2) Establish a standardized survey protocol that controls for viability in flock estimation among observers and sea state; 3) Determine the winter distribution of the borealis and dresseri sub-species.
Project Reports: 

SDJV84 Interim Report FY06

Wintering Common Eider Survey of Eastern North America