Sea Duck Bibliography (searchable)

Illustrations above from Gamebirds of North America – A Golden Nature Guide, 1961
About the Sea Duck Bibliography
The database was mainly based on searches in the Web of Science database. Sources from these searches were limited to peer reviewed journals and occasional peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Sources outside of Web of Science searches were restricted to Birds of North America species accounts, Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Reports, and chapters from the book ‘Ecology and Conservation of North American Sea Ducks’. Papers describing observations of vagrants and hybrids were not included. Papers on avifauna of an area (e.g., “Birds of ____”) were not included unless observations of sea ducks constituted a major portion of the paper. Database searches included common North American species names (e.g., Surf Scoter, Common Eider, etc.), common European names (e.g., Goosander, Velvet Scoter, etc.), Latin names, as well as old and new names (Oldsquaw and Long-tailed duck).
Key words were created for each document in the database to describe the species, season, and topics. Species keywords included common and Latin names of all sea duck species described in the document. Season keywords included: breeding season, nonbreeding season, molt, and migration. Topic keywords included: behavior, habitat, trophic interactions, energetics and nutrition, population dynamics, productivity, survival, dispersal, population model, population delineation, disease, parasites, contaminants, physiology, techniques, abundance distribution and trends, conservation, and taxonomy.
Sea Duck Bibliography (through October 2016) (MS Word version in a standard Lit Cited format; use the Word “Search” feature to find key words)
Sea Duck Bibliography (through October 2016) (MS Word version with all fields including Keywords and Abstract, if available; use the Word “Search” feature to find key words)
Sea Duck Bibliography (through October 2016) (EndNote version as ZIP file that contains all required files; requires EndNote software)