Sea Duck Joint Venture Projects
Project # | Title | Year | Lead Institution(s) | Project Lead | Location | Focal Species |
176 | An integrated model of scoter populations in eastern North America with a focus on estimating survival | 2024 | Pennsylvania State University | Frances Buderman | Atlantic Flyway | Black Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter |
175 | What are the ducks telling us? Documenting K'ahsho Got'ine knowledge about scoters | 2024 | Environment Canada | Kirsty Gurney | Northwest Territories, Canada | Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter |
174 | Regional variation in common eider exposure to oil-related contaminants in Atlantic Canada | 2024 | University of Manitoba | Gregg Tomy | Atlantic Canada | Common Eider |
173 | Unifying the coast: Advancing image-based surveys to support sea duck conservation along the Pacific Flyway | 2024 | USGS | Susan De La Cruz | Pacific Flyway | White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Harlequin Duck, Long-tailed Duck, Barrow's Goldeneye |
172 | The Mitik of Nunatsiavut and beyond: Using satellite telemetry, contaminant analysis and Indigenous Knowledge to uncover movements, key areas of habitat use, and threats for the Common Eiders of northern Labrador throughout their range | 2024 | Nunatsiavut Government | Michelle Saunders | Atlantic Canada | Common Eider |
171 | Identifying the diets and breeding areas of harvested juvenile sea ducks: A continued stable isotope investigation | 2023 | University of Maryland | David Nelson | North America | Surf Scoter, Long-tailed Duck |
170 | A Bioenergetic Model to Evaluate Winter Food Limitation in Barrow's Goldeneyes and Consequences of Climate Change | 2022 | USGS Alaska Science Center | Dan Esler | Pacific Coast | Barrows Goldeneye |
169 | Engaging a transboundary expert network to prioritize coastal and marine habitat management for sea ducks in the Salish Sea | 2022 | Birds Canada | David Bradley | Salish Sea | Bufflehead, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common Goldeneye, Harlequin Duck, Long-tailed Duck, Common Merganser, Surf Scoter |
168 | Characterization of the migratory patterns, connectivity, philopatry and timing of the western North American Harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) population throughout the annual cycle | 2022 | Western Washington University, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife | Andrew Annanie | British Columbia, Alberta, Alaska, Washington, Wyoming, Montana | Harlequin Duck |
167 | Estimating sea duck productivity in eastern North America using a photographic survey | 2021 | State University of New York-Brockport | Jacob Straub | Atlantic Flyway | Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, White-Winged Scoter, Long-tailed Duck |
166 | Advancing Trans-boundary Sea Duck Conservation Actions: Scoter Habitat Use and Movement Patterns in the Salish Sea | 2021 | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Canadian Wildlife Service | Joe Evenson and Megan Ross | Salish Sea | Surf Scoter and White-winged Scoter |
165 | Nutrient Reserve Dynamics of American Common Eiders in New Brunswick throughout the annual cycle | 2021 | Avifaune | Francis St. Pierre | New Brunswick | Common Eiders (Atlantic) |
164 | Assessing Hunting Pressure on Common Eiders in Chukotka, Russia. | 2021 | Wildlife Conservation Society | Martin Robards | Russia | Common Eider (Pacific) |
163 | Improving US Sea Duck Harvest Estimates through Improved Sampling Design and Model Development | 2021 | USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center | Andy Royle | Atlantic Flyway | All Sea Ducks |
162 | Identifying demographic bottlenecks and habitat use to support the recovery and management of American common eider: a range-wide, full life-cycle telemetry project | 2021 | Ducks Unlimited Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service | Nic McLellan and Scott Gilliland | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider (American) |
161 | Monitoring of Non-breeding Sea Ducks on the Great Lakes | 2020 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Beth Ross | Ontario, Great Lakes | Long-tailed Duck, Black Scoter, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser, Surf Scoter, White Winged Scoter, Hooded Merganser |
160 | Visibility correction factors for multiple species of sea ducks and diving ducks using an aerial remote sensing approach | 2020 | USGS Midwest Environmental Science Center | Luke Fara | Great Lakes | All Sea Ducks |
159 | Estimating sea duck fecundity and survival using age-at-death data | 2020 | Biodiversity Research Institiute | Lucas Savoy | North America | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Black Scoter |
158 | Evaluating stable hydrogen isotopes for identifying breeding areas of harvested sea ducks | 2020 | University of Maryland | David Nelson | Atlantic Flyway, Mississippi Flyway, Pacific Flyway | Long-tailed Duck, Surf Scoter |
157 | Automated Sea Duck Counts from Aerial Photographs | 2020 | Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc. | Riley Knoedler | All Sea Ducks | |
156 | Evaluating Sea Duck Detectability in the Puget Sound Winter Ambient Monitoring Program | 2019 | US Geological Survey | Sarah Converse | Salish Sea | All Sea Ducks |
155 | Continental-scale Analysis of Sea Duck Telemetry Data | 2019 | University of Rhode Island | Juliet Lamb | Atlantic Flyway, Great Lakes | Long-tailed Ducks, Surf Scoters, Black Scoters, White-winged Scoters |
154 | Integrating Fixed-Wing and Helicopter Survey Platforms to Improve Detection and Species Identification of North American Breeding Scoters | 2017 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Eric Reed | Canada | Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, White-Winged Scoter |
153 | Population monitoring and information needs for management and conservation of sea ducks on the Great Lakes | 2017 | University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point | Jacob Straub | Great Lakes | All Sea Ducks |
151 | Support for review of Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey | 2016 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Emily Silverman | North America | All Sea Ducks |
150 | Using genetics to determine the breeding areas of Common Eiders harvested in the Atlantic Flyway | 2016 | US Geological Survey | Sarah Sonsthagen | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider (American) |
149 | Population dynamics of American Common Eider: Estimating population growth and recruitment rates | 2016 | University Quebec at Montreal | Jean-Francois Giroux | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider (American) |
148 | Measuring pentosidinne in skin biopsies to reliably age scoters | 2016 | Biodiversity Research Institute, Virginia Tech, West Virgina University | Lucas Savoy | North America | Surf Scoter and White-winged Scoter |
147 | Using crowdsourcing to interpret digital imagery | 2015 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Emily Silverman | North America | All Sea Ducks |
146 | Point Barrow, Alaska, Migration Counts for King and Common Eiders | 2015 | Widllife Conservation Society | Rebecca McGuire | Alaska | King Eider, Common Eider |
145 | Wing tissue collection for sea ducks for stable isotope and genetic analyses | 2014 | US Geological Survey | Sarah Sonsthagen | North America | All Sea Ducks |
144 | Migration patterns, habitat use, and harvest characteristics of long-tailed ducks wintering on Lake Michigan | 2014 | US Geological Survey | Luke Fara | Great Lakes | Long-tailed Duck |
143 | Annual cycle connectivity, site fidelity, and habitat use of Pacific Surf, White-winged, and Black Scoters | 2014 | Alaska Department of Fish and Game | Jason Schamber | Alaska | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter |
142 | Genetic characterization of Barrow’s goldeneyes in western North America | 2014 | US Geological Survey | Sarah Sonsthagen | Pacific Flyway | Barrow's Goldeneye |
141 | Canadian Barrenlands Experimental Breeding Sea Duck Survey | 2014 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Walt Rhodes | Canada | All Sea Ducks |
140 | Pacific common eider breeding surveys in western Canada | 2014 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Eric Reed | Canada | Common Eider (Pacific) |
139 | Assessment of Harvest Potential of 5 Species of Sea Ducks | 2013 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Mark Koneff | North America | All Sea Ducks |
138 | Support for development of book: Ecology and Conservation of North American Sea Ducks | 2010 | USGS | Tim Bowman | North America | All Sea Ducks |
137 | Sample size considerations for satellite telemetry studies of sea ducks | 2013 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Tony Roberts | North America | All Sea Ducks |
136 | Aerial Detection Study in Puget Sound | 2012 | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Canadian Wildlife Service | Joe Evenson | Washington State | All Sea Ducks |
135 | Development of a monitoring program for the American Common Eider Part I: An assessment of repeatability and accuracy of aerial counts of males | 2012 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Scott Gilliland | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider (American) |
134 | Development of a monitoring program for the American Common Eider Part II: Assessing the use of high-resolution imagery for counting males | 2010 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Scott Gilliland | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider (American) |
131 | Compilation and Archival of Sea Duck Satellite Telemetry Data | 2010 | US Geological Survey | Alicia Wells-Berlin | North America | All Sea Ducks |
130 | Atlantic and Great Lakes Sea Duck Migration Study | 2010-2018 | Many | Sea Duck Joint Venture | Atlantic Flyway, Mississippi Flyway | Surf Scoter, Black Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Long-tailed Duck |
129 | Pacific coast winter sea duck survey | 2010 | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife | Don Kraege | Pacific Flyway | All Sea Ducks |
128 | Effects of gavage feeding and Extended Post-operative Care on Sea Ducks after Implantation of Satellite Transmitters | 2010 | Avian Specialty Veterinary Services | Scott Ford | North America | Long-tailed Ducks, Black Scoters |
127 | Molting White-winged Scoters (Melanitta fusca) in the St. Lawrence estuary: survival estimates, philopatry to molting sites, location of fall staging, wintering, spring staging and breeding areas | 2010 | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Jean-Pierre Savard | Quebec | White-winged Scoter |
126 | Refining marine contaminant studies of Pacific scoters: integrating analyses of distributions, diet, and condition | 2010 | Simon Fraser University | Eric Anderson | Pacific Flyway | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter |
125 | Aerial Observer’s Guide to North American Waterfowl | 2009 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Tim Bowman | North America | All Sea Ducks |
121 | Spatial and temporal distributions of wintering sea ducks on the Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada: population trends and relation to habitat | 2009 | US Geological Survey | Elise Zipkin | Atlantic Flyway | Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Common Eider, Long-tailed Duck |
120 | Energetics and vulnerability to human impacts of molting Surf and White-winged Scoters in the Puget Sound-Georgia Basin | 2009 | Simon Fraser University | Eric Anderson | Salish Sea | White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter |
119 | Identification of molting locations of adult female Barrow’s Goldeneye in eastern North America | 2009 | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Jean-Pierre Savard | Atlantic Flyway | Barrow's Goldeneye |
118 | Relationships between breeding, molting, and wintering sites of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri) | 2009 | University of Montreal, Quebec, University Saint-Anne, ECCC | Jean-Francois Giroux | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider (American) |
117 | Population Delineation, Migratory Connectivity and Habitat Use of Atlantic Scoters: Black Scoters | 2009 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Scott Gilliland | Atlantic Flyway | Black Scoter (Atlantic) |
116 | Ecology and Population Affiliations of Molting and Fall Staging Barrow’s Goldeneye at Cardinal Lake, Alberta | 2009 | Ducks Unlimited Canada | Jonathan Thompson | Alberta | Barrow's Goldeneye |
115 | Developmental Surveys for Breeding Scoters in Eastern North America | 2009 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Scott Gilliland | Atlantic Flyway | Surf Scoter |
114 | Annual cycle connectivity, inter- and intra-annual site fidelity, and habitat use of Barrow’s Goldeneye wintering in Prince William Sound, Alaska | 2009 | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Sean Boyd | Alaska | Barrow's Goldeneye |
110 | Sea duck abundance, habitat associations and productivity in the Hudson Bay Lowland | 2008 | Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources | Rodney Brook | Ontario | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter |
109 | Atlantic Coast Wintering Sea Duck Survey | 2012 | Division of Migratory Bird Management | Atlantic Coast | ||
108 | Population delineation and wintering ecology of Surf Scoters in Southeast Alaska | 2010 | Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | Alaska | Surf Scoter |
107 | Molting ecology of Surf and White-winged Scoters in Southeast Alaska | 2010 | Alaska Science Center | Jerry Hupp | Alaska | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter |
106 | Comparative demography of three cavity nesting sea ducks: Bufflehead and Common and Barrow’s goldeneye | 2007 | Alaska Science Center | John Pearce | Virginia | Surf Scoter, Long-tailed Duck |
105 | Examining the Impact of Avian Cholera on the Population Dynamics of a Long-lived Sea Duck, the Northern Eider | 2008 | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Grant Gilchrist | Nunavut | Northern Common Eider |
104 | Distribution, habitat characteristics, prey abundance and diet of surf scoters and long-tailed ducks in polyhaline wintering habitats in the mid-Atlantic region: a comparison of shallow coastal lagoons and Chesapeake Bay environs | 2009 | Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of William and Mary | Paige Ross | Chesapeake Bay | Surf Scoter, Long-tailed Duck |
103 | Sea Duck Migration Monitoring – Point Lepreau Bird Observatory | 2008 | Saint John Naturalists Club | Jim Wilson | New Brunswick | Surf Scoter, Black Scoter, Common Eider |
102 | Delineating Breeding Populations and Tracking Night-time Movements of Long-tailed Ducks Wintering in Nantucket Sound | 2010 | Massachucets Audubon | Taber Allison | Massachucets | Long-tailed Duck |
098 | Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Central and Western Arctic Canada | 2010 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Tim Moser | Arctic Canada | Long-tailed Duck, King Eider, Canada Goose, Greater White-fronted Goose, Tundra Swan, Sandhill Crane |
097 | Avalon New Jersey Sea Watch: Addressing Monitoring Prerequisites | 2009 | New Jersey Audubon Society | David Mizrahi | New Jersey | All Sea Ducks |
096 | Pacific Black Scoter Breeding Survey | 2012 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Robert Stehn | Alaska | Black Scoters |
095 | Lake Ontario January Sea Duck Survey | 2008 | Long Point Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Fund | Shannon Badzinski | Ontario | All Sea Ducks |
094 | Inorganic Contaminant Concentrations and Body Condition of Common Goldeneye Wintering on the Great Salt Lake, Utah | 2007 | Utah State University | Josh Vest | Utah | Common Goldeneye |
093 | Completing the Picture: Spring Body Condition and Breeding Propensity of Surf Scoters along the Pacific Coast | 2007 | US Geological Survey | John Takekawa | Pacific Coast | Surf Scoter |
092 | Diet of Surf Scoters Molting in Eastern North America | 2007 | Dalhousie University | Suzanne Budge | Atlantic Flyway | Surf Scoter |
091 | Movements of Common eiders breeding along the north shore of the gulf of St. Lawrence: Relationships between breeding, molting and wintering sites | 2007 | Environment Canada | Jean-Pierre Savard | Quebec | Common Eider |
090 | Effects of Implanted Transmitters with Percutaneous Antennae on Breeding and Foraging Behavior of Captive Sea Ducks Used as Surrogates for Wild Sea ducks | 2008 | USGS-Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Matthew Perry | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Lesser Scaup |
089 | Foraging values of Mulinia lateralis and Ischadium recurvum: the impacts on surf scoters wintering in the Chesapeake Bay | 2007 | USGS-Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Alicia Wells-Berlin | Chesapeake Bay | Surf Scoter |
088 | Testing the ‘demographic independence’ of molting groups using Common Mergansers on the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska | 2006 | Alaska Science Center | John Pearce | Alaska | Common Merganser |
087 | Molt ecology of White-winged Scoters in the St. Lawrence estuary | 2006 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Christine Lepage | Quebec | White-winged Scoter |
086 | Distributions of Sea Ducks in Southeast Alaska: Geographic Patterns and Relationships to Coastal Habitats | 2008 | Simon Fraser University | Dora Gunn | Alaska | All Sea Ducks |
085 | Annual cycle connectivity, inter- and intra-annual site fidelity, and habitat use of Pacific Barrow’s Goldeneye | 2008 | Environment Canada | Sean Boyd | British Columbia | Barrow's Goldeneye |
084 | Wintering Common Eider Survey of Eastern North America | 2006 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Scott Gilliland | Atlantic Flyway | Common Eider |
083 | Great Lakes Winter Sea Duck Survey | 2006 | Long Point Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Fund | Scott Petrie | Great Lakes | All Sea Ducks |
082 | James and Hudson Bays Molting Black Scoter Survey | 2006 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Shannon Badzinski | Quebec | Black Scoter |
081 | Development of Sea Duck Population Estimates from Geo-referenced Aerial Surveys Conducted in Washington State and British Columbia | 2006 | R.G. Ford Consulting Company | R. Glenn Ford | Washington, British Columbia | All Sea Ducks |
080 | Surveys of Common Eiders and Other Migratory Birds in the Bathurst Inlet area of Nunavut. | 2008 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Garnet Raven | Nunavut | Common Eider |
079 | Temporal and Geographic Distribution of the Aleutian Islands Pacific Common Eider: Rat and Andreanof Islands and Near Islands | 2007 | Alaska Science Center | Margaret R. Petersen | Alaska | Pacific Common Eider |
078 | Delineation of Surf Scoter habitat in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland: Macrobenthic and sediment composition of Surf Scoter feeding sites | 2006 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | David M. Kidwell | Chesapeake Bay | Surf Scoter |
072 | Seasonal Habitat Requirements of Surf and White-winged Scoters in Puget Sound | 2006 | University of Wyoming | Eric Anderson | Salish Sea | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter |
071 | Ecological and behavioural monitoring of American Common Eiders during the annual cycle | 2008 | University of Quebec | Magella Guillemette | Quebec | American Common Eider |
070 | Timing and Location of Acquisition of Nutrients and Energy for Clutch Formation by Black Scoters | 2005 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | Alaska | Black Scoter |
069 | Aerial Survey of Wintering Sea Ducks in Northern British Columbia | 2005 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | John Hodges | British Columbia | All Sea Ducks |
065 | Spring Migration of Surf Scoters Along the Pacific Coast: Important Habitats and Energetic Implications | 2007 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | Pacific Coast | Surf Scoter |
063 | Population delineation, winter/spring habitat use, migration ecology and harvest of Surf Scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) from the southern portion of their winter range | 2008 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | Mexico | Surf Scoter |
062 | The Value of Herring Spawn vs. Alternative Prey to Surf Scoters and White-winged Scoters in the Puget Sound-Georgia Basin | 2005 | University of Wyoming | Eric Anderson | Salish Sea | White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter |
060 | GIS Analysis of Habitat Use by Surf Scoters and White-winged Scoters | 2005 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | British Columbia | White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter |
059 | Survival, Productivity, and Recruitment of Pacific Common Eiders Breeding at Kigigak Island, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska | 2007 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Bryce Lake | Alaska | Pacific Common Eider |
057 | Estimating Distribution and Abundance of Wintering Sea Ducks in Nantucket Sound | 2006 | Massachucets Audubon | Taber Allison | Massachucets | All Sea Ducks |
056 | Evaluation of methods for estimating population abundance and mapping distribution of wintering scoters and other sea birds | 2005 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Mark Koneff | Atlantic Flyway | All Sea Ducks |
055 | Monitoring Atlantic Flyway Black Scoters | 2005 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Keith McAloney | New Brunswick, Quebec | Black Scoter |
054 | Monitoring sea duck numbers and distribution in relation to existing and proposed aquaculture sites in Atlantic Canada and reducing interactions between the Aquaculture Industry and sea ducks | 2004 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Keith McAloney | Atlantic Canada | Common Eider |
051 | Post-breeding ecology of Red-breasted Mergansers in a marine environment | 2006 | McGill University | Rodger Titman | Quebec | Red-breasted Mergansers |
049 | Determination of species composition, numbers and moult chronology of Scoters along the Labrador Coast | 2007 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Scott Gilliland | Eastern North America | Surf Scoter |
047 | Cross-Seasonal Resource Use and Selenium Levels in Boreal Breeding White-winged Scoters | 2005 | University of Saskatchewan | Jean-Michel De Vink | Pacific Flyway | Lesser Scaup, White-winged Scoter |
046 | Population structure and annual survival estimation of female Black Scoters using genetic tagging | 2005 | US Geological Survey | Sandra Talbot | Alaska | Black Scoter |
045 | Tracing Sources of Nutrients and Energy for Clutch Formation by White-winged Scoters | 2005 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | Pacific Flyway | White-winged Scoter |
044 | Winter habitat use and selection of the Barrow’s goldeneye eastern population along the St. Lawrence River estuary, Quebec, Canada | 2006 | University of Quebec Rimouski | Magella Guillemette | Quebec | Barrow's Goldeneye |
043 | Factors involved in population dynamics and delineation of North American mergansers | 2006 | USGS Alaska Science Center | John Pearce | North America | Common Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser |
042 | Comparative Reproductive Strategies Between Long-tailed Ducks and King Eiders at Karrak Lake, Nunavut: use of energy reserves during the nesting season | 2005 | University of Saskatchewan | Shona Lawson | Nunavut | Long-tailed Ducks, King Eider |
041 | Survival and reproduction of Pacific common eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska | 2007 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Abby Powell | Alaska | Pacific Common Eider |
040 | Winter population delineation of white-winged and black scoters along the Pacific Coast using genetic techniques | 2004 | Alaska Science Center | John Pearce | Pacific Coast | White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter |
039 | Surveys of King Eiders, Long-tailed Ducks and Other Migratory Birds in the Central and Western Canadian Arctic | 2005 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Lynne Dickson | British Columbia | King Eider, Long-tailed Duck |
038 | Assessment of the Pacific Black Scoter Population: Population Size, Distribution, and Links among Populations: An Integrated Approach | 2007 | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Tim Bowman | Alaska | Pacific Black Scoter |
037 | Food resources available to sea ducks on migration at the Restigouche River in New Brunswick, Canada and potential contaminant problems. | 2005 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Matthew Perry | New Brunswick | Black Scoter |
036 | Duckling survival, habitat use, and incubation rates in common goldeneyes in the Chena River State Recreation Area | 2002 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Joshua Schmidt | Alaska | Common Goldeneye |
035 | Wintering ground effects on vital rates of white-winged scoters (Melanitta fusca) at Redberry Lake, Saskatchewan. | 2005 | University of Saskatchewan | Cindy Swoboda | Saskatchewan | White-winged Scoter |
034 | Effects of nutrients on the physiology, energetics, and behavior of captive sea ducks relative to sea duck feeding ecology in Chesapeake Bay. | 2005 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Matthew Perry | Chesapeake Bay | Long-tailed Duck, Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter |
033 | Characterization of annual migration and habitat use of Black Scoters staging on the Alaska Peninsula | 2003 | USGS Alaska Science Center | Jason Schamber | Alaska | Black Scoter |
031 | Migration and condition of long-tailed duck wintering in eastern Canada. | 2003 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Mark Mallory | Eastern Canada | Long-tailed Duck |
030 | Survival of the St. Lawrence estuary common eiders. | 2007 | University of Quebec Montreal | Jean-Francois Giroux | Quebec | Common Eider |
029 | Ecology of common eider ducks wintering in association with sea ice, Belcher Islands, Nunavut. | 2003 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Grant Gilchrist | Nunavut | Common Eider |
028 | Determination of breeding areas, migration routes, and local movements associated with surf and white-winged scoters wintering in the inner marine waters of Washington State. | 2006 | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife | David Nysewander | Washington | White-winged Scoter |
027 | Evaluation of selenium exposure in common eiders (Somateria mollissima): effects on organ systems and physiologic changes. | 2004 | US Geological Survey | J. Christian Franson | Wisconsin | Common Eider |
026 | Population delineation, winter/spring habitat use and migration ecology of White-winged Scoters (M. fusca) and Surf Scoters (M. perspicillata) | 2004 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Sean Boyd | British Columbia | White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter |
025 | Breeding biology and habitat use of King Eiders on the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska | 2004 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Abby Powell | Alaska | King Eider |
024 | Importance of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea to King Eiders | 2004 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Abby Powell | Alaska | King Eider |
023 | Characterization of Beaufort Sea Flyway: Long-tailed Ducks and Common Eider | 2003 | USGS Alaska Science Center | Margaret R. Petersen | Alaska | Long-tailed Duck, Common Eider |
021 | Spatial and temporal patterns of movement by male Black Scoters on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. (conducted in conjunction with study on black scoter breeding ecology) | 2002 | USGS Alaska Science Center | Paul Flint | Alaska | Black Scoter |
020 | Breeding Ecology of Scoters nesting in the Lower Mackenzie River Watershed, NWT | 2005 | Ducks Unlimited Canada | Stuart Slattery | Northwest Territories | White-winged Scoter |
019 | Breeding Ecology of White-winged Scoters on the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska | 2004 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | David Safine | Alaska | White-winged Scoter |
017 | Satellite radio tracking of black scoters caught in the Restigouche River, New Brunswick, Canada | 2002 | USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Matthew Perry | New Brunswick, Canada | Black Scoter |
016 | East coast common eider initiative | 2008 | Ducks Unlimited Canada | Mark Gloutney | Atlantic Coast | Common Eider |
015 | Evaluating Effects of the Shellfish Industry on Scoter Populations in Coastal British Columbia | 2005 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | British Columbia | Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter |
014 | Survival and recruitment of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri) in the Gulf of Maine. | 2006 | USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Daniel McAuley | Maine | Common Eider |
013 | Contaminants in surf scoters wintering in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. | 2002 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Dr. John Elliott | British Columbia | Surf Scoter |
012 | Coastal molting locations of scoters and eiders in eastern North America | 2006 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Jean-Pierre Savard | Quebec | Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter |
011 | Long-term Population Study of Harlequin Ducks in British Columbia | 2005 | Simon Fraser University | Dan Esler | British Columbia | Harlequin Duck |
010 | Breeding habitat of Barrow’s Goldeneye in Eastern Canada | 2006 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Michel Robert | Eastern Canada | Barrow's Goldeneye |
009 | Viruses in long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) molting in the Beaufort Sea | 2004 | USGS National Wildlife Health Center | J. Christian Franson | Alaska | Long-tailed Duck |
008 | Spatial Population Genetic Structure Of White-Winged Scoters (Melanitta fusca) | 2004 | USGS Alaska Science Center | Sandra Talbot | Alaska | White-winged Scoter |
007 | Ecology of breeding Long-tailed Ducks on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. | 2003 | USGS Alaska Science Center | Paul Flint | Alaska | Long-tailed Duck |
006 | Identifying migration routes and wintering areas of common and king eiders breeding in Nunavut, Canada and Greenland. | 2003 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Grant Gilchrist | Nunavut, Greenland | Common Eider, King Eider |
005 | Local survival and patterns of philopatry for Harlequin Ducks wintering in outer Jericho Bay, Maine. | 2003 | Coastal Maine Biological Research Station | Glen Mittelhauser | Maine | Harlequin Duck |
004 | Movements, Habitat Use, and Feeding Ecology of sea ducks in the Atlantic Flyway.. | 2005 | USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Matthew Perry | Chesapeake Bay | Surf Scoter, Black Scoter |
003 | Population Demography of Surf Scoters Wintering in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia | 2005 | Simon Fraser University | Sam Iverson | British Columbia | Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Barrow's Goldeneye, Common Goldeneye, Harlequin Duck |
002 | Identification of Beaufort Sea Migration Corridor for Sea Ducks | 2002-2010 | Canadian Wildlife Service | Lynne Dickson, Blake Bartzen | Alaska, Arctic Canada | Pacific Common Eider, King Eider, Long-tailed Duck |
001 | Seasonal Distribution of White-winged Scoters in Alaska | 2002 | Alaska Department of Fish and Game | Dan Rosenberg | Alaska | White-winged Scoter |